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Wrens Church of God

102 Phillips Street

Wrens Church of God Missions

A vital and vibrant aspect of the ministry of Wrens Church of God is our Missions’ Ministry. Two scriptures serve as our foundation and motivation for ministry in missions. They are Matthew 28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,” and Luke 12:48 “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.” (New King James)

At Wrens Church of God we hear God’s call to “go” ministering Christ, and we sense our obligation, as people abundantly blessed, to bless others. We realize that some are able to physically go and work, minister, and help carry the gospel and bring increase to His Kingdom. Others, unable to go, send through support with finances and prayer. Our missions’ ministry embraces both aspects, the sending and going. We send through monthly support of missionaries, orphanages, and national workers and through special projects from hundreds to thousands of dollars, from purchasing needed supplies to building needed facilities. We go through regular short term mission trips to various locations. Going involves coming alongside missionaries and local ministries to assist in the physical work of construction, hosting and conducting Christmas events for children and staff of orphanages, and ministering to children and adults through special programs and services. We open the door for anyone who is physically able to go and experience the blessing of ministry through missions.
