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Valley View Baptist Church

9717 31st Avenue South East

We believe:

That the Godhead exists eternally in Three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these three are one God.

We believe in God as absolute and sole creator of the universe, and that creation was by divine fiat, not through evolutionary process.

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, supernaturally inspired, that it is inerrant in the original manuscripts and preserved by God in its verbal, plenary inspiration, and a divinely authoritative standard for every age and every life.

We believe that God, out of love for mankind, sent Christ into the world to save sinners.

We believe that salvation in Christ is entirely apart from good works, baptism, church membership or man's effort, and is of pure grace.

We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and lived in the flesh, was crucified and died and rose again as a substitute for the penalty of sin for all those who believe.

We believe that it is the goal of every Christian to grow in spiritual maturity through obedience to the Word of God and the indwelling Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, is God and possesses all the divine attributes. He indwells all believers, baptizes and seals all believers at the moment of their conversion and fills them in response to confession of sin and yieldedness.

We believe in the imminent and physical return of the Lord Jesus Christ to establish His kingdom.