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United Church of Angel Fire

40 West Ridge Road

About Us:

United Church of Angel Fire (UCAF) embodies an exciting ecumenical vision. UCAF is a multi-denominational congregation of 190 members.  About half of the members are full-time residents and half are associate members who reside in the Moreno Valley part of the year. In general, most associate members participate during the summer months.  Worship service attendance averages 55-75 with summer worship attendance of 125 -150.  Attendance for Christian Education averages 15-20.

The United Church of Angel Fire is a congregation that sets high priority on the fullfillment of Jesus' prayer:  "That they all may be one; even as Thou, Father, are in me, and I in Thee, that they may also be in us; that the world may believe that Thou didst send me."   John 17:21 


Beginning as the Angel Fire Presbyterian Fellowship, in late 1992 the group began to explore a way to become an ecumenical congregation with people of several denominations united in a single mission yet retaining their ties with their own tradition, if they so chose. This has been accomplished. We are supported by and affiliated with four denominations; The Presbyterian Church (USA), The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), The United Methodist Church and The United Church of Christ.  The membership of the congregation is composed of people from thirteen denominations, and we are striving to be inclusive of all God's children. 

In 1994 the congregation called its first full-time pastor; the Rev. Tracey Miller. Rev. Miller is from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) tradition and served until 2002.  The church second full time pastor, Rev. Murray Thompson, from the Presbyterian Church (USA), served from early 2003 through April 2009. As of October 2009, and as part of the pastor search process, UCAF has installed an interim pastor, Rev. Doug McPherson from the United Methodist denomination.  Rev. Richard Safford accepted the Call and began serving as pastor November 1, 2010.    

Our church building was first occupied in May of 1999 and dedicated in June of 1999.  The lower level was remodeled in 2007 with the completion of a Fellowship Hall. 
