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Our Savior's Church of Broussard

655 Highway 96

Our Absolute:

The Great Commission was not intended as a suggestion and cannot be compromised in any way. Everything we do as a church family is simply a tool in helping us to fulfill the charge God has given to each of us.

Our Mission:

To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus and others. It is through The Two Greatest Commandments that God reveals what is most important... relationship. It is the health and maturity of our relationship with others that reveals the health and maturity of our relationship with God. It is for this reason that Our Savior's Church exists... to lead individuals and families in a growing relationship with Jesus and others.

Our Strategy:

To create environments where our absolute can be fulfilled and our mission can be accomplished.

Core Values:

Lordship is knowing that Jesus Christ is Lord (Revelation 19:16). It is with our whole hearts that we must choose to submit to His will. This is the starting point of the Christian faith and the foundation of all spiritual growth.

Discipleship: Jesus has called us to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). We are committed to raising up faithful disciples of Christ.

Prayer is our direct connection to God. Our communication with God is vital to our spiritual growth and survival (Philippians 4:6).

Worship is an outward expression of respect and adoration to God. We worship Him because He is the Creator and Lord of all things.

Family: God has called us all to be a spiritual family (1 Corinthians 4:15). Family is the foundation and validation of all ministry (1 Timothy 3:1-5). We need our spiritual family if we are to fulfill the purpose of God (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

Leadership Development: Leadership is not only for those born with the gift, but is also taught. Faithfulness paves the way to leadership (Luke 16:10). What we learn, we are to commit to faithful men who will in turn teach others.

Evangelism: God's heart is to reach the lost (II Peter 3:9). Church growth should primarily take place through evangelism (Romans 15:20). We should always look outside of ourselves to reach others.
