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Grace Community Church

4 102nd Ave NE

Our Vision: 

Our vision is to see the Lord develop a community of grace and truth on the Eastside that will draw many into a vital and growing relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Our Purpose: 

To accomplish this vision, we purpose ourselves to developing fully committed followers of Jesus Christ who worship, connect, grow, serve and evangelize in the context of a biblically-functioning community of faith. 

Core Values: 

We proclaim the Bible as the only divine truth and God's final authority for all matters of life and doctrine. 

We rely fully on the power and direction of God the Holy Spirit through prayer to carry out His purposes for us. 

We passionately worship Jesus Christ in all we do to the glory and pleasure of God the Father. 

We personally and intentionally build relationships with lost people for the purpose of their redemption. 

We demonstrate grace and acceptance towards others, knowing that God continues to meet us where we are. 

We commit ourselves to authentic relationship building, discipleship and pastoral care through small group participation, multiplication and leader development. 

We seek to engage our community with the Gospel, pursuing creative and innovative options for ministry. 

We commit ourselves to gift-oriented ministry, valuing and utilizing our God given gifts and passions to carry out God?s purposes in and through us. 

We are responsive to the physical and spiritual needs of the world with our time, talent and treasure. 

We commit ourselves to the ongoing task of church multiplication in the greater King County area.