
Tim Sheehy Repeats Lie That He 'Bootstrapped' His Company, Despite Taking $600K From Family

Government and Politics

May 16, 2024

Shady Sheehy claims he “bootstrapped” his company, omitting $600,000 in startup money from his dad and brother

Helena, MT – In a new interview, ultrawealthy Tim Sheehy repeated his false claim that he “bootstrapped” his company and that his company was entirely built with “every cent of [his] savings.”

In actuality, reporting from the Daily Beast revealed Sheehy was given at least $600,000 in startup money from his dad and brother for his company, and his brother’s extensive Wall Street connections set up Bridger Aerospace’s first government contract.

Sheehy has built a reputation for lying – Montanans will see through his facade this November.