
Racial Unity Team Art and Poetry Challenge

Clubs and Organizations

May 16, 2024

Racial Unity Team's 2024 annual Arts and Poetry Challenge is now open to New Hampshire visual artists and poets of all ages.

Racial Unity Team's annual Arts & Poetry Challenge is the living breathing proof of the power of creating human connection through the arts. This challenge invites New Hampshire residents to submit their art, poetry, or sculpture based on a unifying theme.

This year's theme is belonging. Please explore and express what it means to belong, or not belong, through original art or poetry. Compete for cash prizes for first, second, and third place in five age categories, kindergarten students through adults.

The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2024. After an opening exhibit and award ceremony at the Currier Museum in Manchester, the exhibit will be displayed throughout the state in local libraries, art galleries and on the Racial Unity Team website.

Cash prizes in five categories
K-2 | 3-5 | Middle School| High School | Adult

Submit an original poem or artwork inspired by this year’s theme: Belonging, what doesit feellike to belong? Or.. not belong?

For challenge rules and resources visit the Racial Unity Team website: https://racialunityteam.com/art-and-poetry-challenge.

This challenge is made possible by our sponsors: Kennebunk Savings, Granite United Way. For further information, please call 603-263-6511.