
Collegedale Church Newsletter September 2023

Religion and Spirituality

September 8, 2023

The newest Churchbeat is now available online

 This Issue:

The Next Step
-Farewell to the Moons: We invite you to join us on September 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary for a special season of prayer and praise for the next steps of Collegedale Church and the Moon Family in this transition time. Refreshments and a time to visit with Jim and his family will take place immediately after. Be prepared to share a memory on a 3x5 card.

-Make Friends at the Great Haystack

-Pictorial Directory Is here

-Outdoor Family Fellowship

-Children's Choir Resumes

-Membership Transfers

-Collegedale Academy's 2023-24 School Year Begins

-DivorceCare Begins September 29
Grief Sessions